Friday, March 28, 2008

This is how I feel too many Monday mornings. Fixating on the few negatives rather than the numerous positives. We have had a number of people come forward about baptisms, there have been people that have committed (and others re-committing) their lives to follow Jesus - all markers of success in the 'church biz'. I have watched relationships heal and people walk through overwhelming challenges. There have been births and marriages. And in the middle of it all I get stuck on who left the service without talking, I think about the person who seems to be avoiding a coffee, and I analyse every comment to make sure I don't miss a veiled shot.

It amazes me because this is not who I was - but it sure is who I am. I am working on it though (I wouldn't have scanned this sketch if I was still feeling so insecure), but it's a work in progress. It took me 5 years become a person who is constantly listening for footsteps and it will take a while to get back to being myself again. Pray for me (seriously).


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