Thursday, November 24, 2005

3-Self or is that 3-Cell Church
We went to church today. The experience is thoroughly surreal due to jet-lag, culture shock, the above mentioned supper and the fact that we wander through several rooms in different buildings and up and down stairs before we find ourselves in a room with a TV. As we sit there the room starts to fill. When the singing begins again we are handed hymnals – if my Chinese speaking skills are anemic, my reading skills are non-existent- and I try hard to make sense of the book, but I fail miserably.

I am not proud of it but I lose my battle to keep conscious and I find myself drifting in and out. I would feel worse if I didn't see people doing the same thing during my sermons on any given Sunday!! If it were not for cell phones constantly going off through out the service I may still be snoozing now. [editor's note: I had a much better experience at a 3-Self Church later in the trip when I was more awake and adjusted]

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